Sunday, May 13, 2012

8 Weeks

Weigh-in/Measuring day!

Considering how concerned I was this week, I'll take it! :)


  1. Wow!

    This is really inspirational. How is the food plan helping you and Kyle otherwise? It treating you well and helping with what it's supposed to?

    Love you!

    1. Thanks, Tracy! I feel really, really good. When I stick to the plan, I feel so much better - I don't feel bogged down at all, even though I the weight difference isn't very much (yet). The minute I have processed sugar or wheat, I feel gross and lethargic again (not sick and crampy like Kyle, who is a celiac - just weighed down).

      Kyle is feeling so much better, too - his GERD, which was nearly debilitating, is almost nonexistent and he's stopped taking his reflux meds! And he has a ton more energy, too!

      I do have to be careful about things that are technically "allowed" but aren't necessarily healthy. Like masa fritters (which is corn flour dough sauteed in a little olive oil and drizzled with honey) and bacon. But it's good to teach us portion control. :)
