Saturday, June 9, 2012

2 Rounds, 20 Pounds

It's been 84 days since I started this plan. I haven't been perfect the whole time; I've had more than a few indulgent self-pity days, but even then I was better than I was before I started.

My second round was not as productive as the first. I didn't really expect it to be, especially since we relaxed the rules a bit (like allowing wine and small amounts of sugar few times a week, which we cut out again when we stopped seeing any results).

I have rather severe plantar faciitis and it turned out most of the exercises I was doing (Tai Chi, dancing/cardio, and some yoga poses) were straining my feet even more. Some of the exercises I was doing was also making my carpal tunnel flare up, too, and I badly injured my arm (nearly broke it!) that made some exercises, and just regular life activities like picking up my children, impossible.

I know that sounds like I'm making excuses. And I did for a few weeks. Due to these pains, I was actually quite dejected for much of the second round, which I allowed to turn into lethargy and overeating. And feeling like crap. Which started the whole stupid cycle I used to fall into.

However, the point is that I got over it. Lol!

I actually saw half of this round's results in just the last week. I attribute a lot of that to getting my husband's birthday present (early): ExerBeat for the Wii! It has a bunch of exercises that I can do that are easy on my feet and wrists, but still challenging and fun. And I can build my own workout! There are a TON of exercises, so as my feet and wrists heal, I will stay entertained with new stuff for a long time. (I've learned that I have to introduce new fun tech into my workouts and eating plans periodically to keep me interested, lol). Also, it's pseudo educational (you actually earn points to travel to cities around the world and learn random facts!) and the kids LOVE LOVE LOVE it.

At the moment, I am feeling really good right now and ready to start round 3! After the hubby's birthday party tomorrow. ;)

1 comment:

  1. That game sounds excellent- that's really amazing, enjoy!
